Types of Texts, Mode / Medium

There are many different ways to group and categorise texts. Different categories make use of different "conventions": the building blocks for expression (of ideas, perspectives, style) in texts.

A text (includes visual texts like movies) may be categorised based on:

  • Mode (written / visual / auditory)
  • Form (e.g. novel, poetry, short story, plays)
  • Fiction / Non-Fiction (a part of form)
  • Purpose (analytical / imaginative / interpretive / persuasive)

Types of texts (purpose)

According to the syllabus, "types of texts" refers to the 4 types of purposes a text can have:

  • Analytical Texts: Purpose is to explore, examine and make conclusions on another text based on its components / conventions. They develop an argument. For example, critical essays, reflections, reviews.

  • Imaginative Texts: Texts that are "composed", whose primary purpose is to entertain or provoke. Typically a very expressive text type. For example, novels, poetry, plays, film.

  • Interpretive Texts: Texts whose purpose is to explain and interpret personalities, ideas, or other concepts. For example, auto/biographies, documentaries, feature articles.

  • Persuasive Texts: Texts whose purpose is to lay out and persuade a reader to adopt or consider a certain point of view. For example, persuasive essays, persuasive speeches, advertisement.


What is mode?

Mode refers to the process of communication between a viewer and a text. There exist different language features for different modes.

ModeDefinitionExample language features (brief examples)Example texts
WrittenCommunication through written language
  • Lexical choice
  • Sentence structure
  • Rhetorical devices
  • Novel
  • Feature article
  • Persuasive essay
VisualCommunication through visual images
  • Rule of thirds
  • Costume
  • Body language
  • Facial expression
  • Advertisement poster
  • Documentary
  • Movie poster
AuditorialCommunication through sound
  • Music
  • Sound effects
  • Voice over
  • Podcast
  • Movie sound track
  • Audiobook


There are some types of texts which make use of multiple modes, simultaneously.

Some example multi-modal texts are:

  • Film: visual and auditory
  • Music video: visual and auditory
  • Visual podcast (which may feature images/videos aswell as sound, e.g. Bad Friends, TigerBelly, JRE): visual and auditory and sometimes written


The medium of a text refers to the channel of communication from which it is recieved.

For example:

  • The medium of a film may be through cinema, television, or Netflix
  • The medium of a newspaper may be through print, or digitally via online access
  • The medium of a podcast is typically through digital streaming platforms (Spotify, YouTube)


This website in its entirety is owned, programmed, developed and made public by Aaron Fonte

If you have any bugs, suggestions or statements to make, I welcome you to contact my public email: fonteaaron@protonmail.com. The site is best viewed on PC.

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Get Excited! We are currently working on a forums page.

This forum is to be considered the second half of this website.

Remember, this site is in insaaaanely early dev, so give me a few months and I'll crack on with it.

The idea is, you use the same account for HSHelp as the forum page. The ad-free subscription especially comes in handy for the forums page - as a means of accessing information and contact to other users without ads bothering you. You would need an account to post threads/comments, but anonymous users may read only.


Special Thanks to the following dependencies of this website:

  • JQuery
  • MathJax
  • MHChem (for MathJax)
  • Google Ads, eventually
  • STRIPE API, eventually
  • Our Users :)