Some of the real basics of english just as a refresher. I always forget these :/
Words that refer to person, place or object. A proper noun is the specific name of the person or place - always capitalised, whilst a common noun is more generic - always uncapitalised (unless first word in sentence).
It was Derek who asked those girls to visit Uluru.
I always like a good Subway after a shift at the cafe.
Eric Johnson is my favourite electric guitarist. He is from Austin, Texas.
Non-specific words to replace nouns (which should have recently been mentioned):
Subjective Pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they.
Object Pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them.
Possessive Pronouns: mine, yours, his, her, ours, yours, theirs.
Don't ever use gender-bender they/them pronouns when not strictly necessary. Don't be ridiculous. In written form awell, nobody can keep track of who is who with this terminology.
Describing words for nouns. Adjectives flavour and colour nouns, allowing for more detail.
She left her green jacket in the rusty, old ship.
"Doing words". Or, better put, "action words". For example, "buying", "opening", and "running".
He ran away from the priest.
The shopkeeper opened the cash register for the paying customer.
One of the flying birds flew into the powerlines, which sparked and zapped.
Describing words for vers. Placed before the verb, typically ending in the suffix "-ly".
The fellow reluctantly dropped the mysterious, noisy night-black pyramid.
The bug quietly jumped from the deep-green leaf whilst irritably hunting for food.
The squire loyally followed his knights every footstep.
Word/s used before a noun or pronoun to indicate direction, time, place or location relavent to the object of the sentence.
Place: above, across, against, alongside, apart from, at, behind, below, beneath, beside, between.
Time: about, after, ago, around, at, before, by, circa, following, during, in, from.
Words used to interlink clauses within a sentence. "Joining words".
E.g. and, but, or, instead, yet, so, for, after, although...
Pride filled the man where shame once was.
She enjoys both chess and checkers.
After revieving his lotto winnings, he reamined wealthy because his life-style did not change.
Utterances that express emotion without changing the meaning of the sentence.
Cloudy again? Tsk tsk.
Ahh! He finally saw the truth, that the way things appear differs from the way things are.
She lost the ferrets again. Great.
Interjections can be used in both dialogue, or for an external narrator.