Maths Methods Course

The Maths Courses in WA are split into three streams:

  • Specialist (Spec/Spesh)
  • Methods
  • Applications (Apps)


The Applications course focuses on extending mathematical skills to real-world contexts - both familiar and new. Essentially, this course focuses on solving practical problems.

Some topics include financial modelling, matrices, network analysis, route and project planning, decision making, discrete growth and decay.

This course is currently not offered on this site. This is a low-piority item.

Syllabus Year 11
Syllabus Year 12


The Methods course advances mathematical knowledge, and develops mathematical skill into more advanced topics: the use of calculus, probability theory

Some topics include Calculus, Trigonometry, Exponential Functions, Discrete Random Variables, Confidence Intervals, Sampling.

Syllabus Year 11
Syllabus Year 12


The Specialist course is the most advanced and difficult mathematical course. It develops mathematical knowledge into very advanced and complex mathematical topics.

Some topics include Complex Numbers and Argand Diagrams, Inductive Proofs, Vectors in Three Dimensions, Differential Equations, Harmonic Motion, Statistical Inference.

This course is currently not offered on this site. This is a low-piority item.

Syllabus Year 11
Syllabus Year 12


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If you have any bugs, suggestions or statements to make, I welcome you to contact my public email: The site is best viewed on PC.

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This forum is to be considered the second half of this website.

Remember, this site is in insaaaanely early dev, so give me a few months and I'll crack on with it.

The idea is, you use the same account for HSHelp as the forum page. The ad-free subscription especially comes in handy for the forums page - as a means of accessing information and contact to other users without ads bothering you. You would need an account to post threads/comments, but anonymous users may read only.


Special Thanks to the following dependencies of this website:

  • JQuery
  • MathJax
  • MHChem (for MathJax)
  • Google Ads, eventually
  • STRIPE API, eventually
  • Our Users :)